UnNatural Selection

Jan 2013 - May 2013


A 3D Hack-n-Slash game built on a custom engine. A single player plays as one of several woodland creatures that battles others in a fantasy forest arena.

Keywords: OOP, Visual Studio, C++, GLSL, FMOD 3, OpenGL, Hansoft, Shaders

Play Game


  • Team Lead skills including team management & liaison to producers.
  • Successfully implemented hardware accelerated smooth skinning animations.
  • Made GLSL shaders for directional diffuse light cell shading, normal mapping, UV scrolling, multi-texturing, cell animation, glow mapping, dissolve, edge detection, bloom, motion blur.
  • Developed random generation system for arena using matrix manipulation.
  • Used FMOD 3 to manipulate sound speed, volume, panning, & ducking. Created channel based system to cap sound effect frequency, & used listener functionality for 3D sound effects.

Technologies Used

  • Visual Studio 2010
  • Perforce
  • Tortoise GIT
  • C++
  • GLSL
  • FMOD 3
  • OpenGL
  • Hansoft
  • PhotoShop